Christos Tsironis
12 April 2020
Associate Professor of Social Theory
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Christos Tsironis is an associate professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (“Social Theory of contemporary culture and Christianity”), where he teaches Contemporary Social Theory, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Christianity, Epistemology of diversity. He received long-term youth trainer instruction taking part in the educational programs of the Council of Europe and participated in writing and editing of educational and instructional guides focusing on intercultural communication, Human Rights education, human trafficking, etc. He is the author of articles related to social theory, theology, sociology of education, epistemology and research.
He participates in Hellenic and European research programs as a coordinating scientist and scientific team member and has published articles in Hellenic and international Contemporary Social Theory – related journals. He is a member of scientific and professional associations in Greece and abroad and is actively engaged in the analysis treatment of various social issues at national and international levels. His research fields of interest focus on issues regarding Social Theory, Social Ethics, Theology, Education, Welfare State, etc. He is a founding member, and director since 2019, of the Social Research Center for Religion and Culture – A.U.TH. and General Secretary of the Board of Directors of “European Interdisciplinary Silk Road Tourism Center” – A.U.TH. In 2018 he became a Fellow CHS-CCS, Harvard University 2018-19 in Comparative Cultural Studies in Greece.
A choice of his publications includes:
1. Social Exclusion and Education in Late Modernity, Thessaloniki: Vanias, 2003, pp.531. [Greek]
2. Globalization and Local Communities: Social Ethics and Community Work, Thessaloniki: Vanias, 2007, pp.267. [Greek]
3. Consumerism in Contemporary Social Theory: A critical appraisal of Z. Bauman, Thessaloniki: Barbounakis, 2013 (Gr p.295)
4. Man and Society: A contribution on the Dialogue between Theology and Social Theory, Thessaloniki: Vanias, 2013 (Gr p. 330)
5. C. Tsironis (ed.), C. Albani, M. Sitziouki, E. Tsirona (2014) ΑΤΕΝΙ-ΖΟ: NON FORMAL EDUCATIONAL GUIDE ON TRAFFICKING, Athenrs: KEPAD- KMOP, [Greek]
6. Tsironis, C.N. (2018): Religion and Society in Second Modernity. Arguments and Debates in Ulrich Beck’s Theory. Thessaloniki: Barbounakis