Center for Hellenic Studies at University of Chicago
12 May 2020
Center for Hellenic Studies Website
Information about the Center’s first Conference
National Herald article on “Polyhedric Greece” Conference
Center for Hellenic Studies is a new research center founded in 2019 at the University of Chicago. From its website we can read: “
Welcome to the Center for Hellenic Studies! We are a brand new Center, aspiring to become a common forum for researchers of many aspect of the Hellenic world— language, art, thought, history, and culture— across the University of Chicago. We are an interdisciplinary research center, aiming to cross-fertilize research across paradigms, fields, and frameworks. Our vision of Greece is multidimensional. Greece is not simply a geographical area or a political entity, but a diversified intellectual space which, through time and geography, has produced and continues to produce ideas that can inform, engage, and inspire contributions in a multitude of research areas, methodologies, and audiences. We aim to pay special attention to the study of Hellenic diaspora, and highlight the, largely unknown, varied Greek experiences and identities that exist in the world today.”