Anastasia Giannakidou
5 October 2023
Linguistics Professor, University of Chicago
1997 PhD in Linguistics. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Thesis: The landscape of polarity items. Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics (GRODIL) 18. 238 pp. Awarded the 1997 Best Linguistics Dissertation Award of the Linguistics Association of the Netherlands.
Research Assistant (assistent in opleiding, PhD fellowship), Department of Dutch Linguistics, University of Groningen. Funding by the Dutch Graduate School of Logic (Ondezoeksschool Logica), the CLCG (Center for Language and Cognition Groningen), and BCN (Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences). (1993-1997)
1992 MA in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language. Dept. of Greek, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Thesis title: Kyria onomata: I dhiamaxi anamesa stin philosophia tis glossas tou Kripke kai tou Searle [Proper Names: the debate between Kripke’s and Searle’s Philosophy of Language]. (in Greek)
1989 BA in Greek Philology. Major: Linguistics, Minor Philosophy of Language. Department of Greek, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Academic positions
• Frank J. McLoraine Professor of Linguistics and the College. (2020-present)
• Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies, University of Chicago
• Co-Director of Center for Gesture, Sign and Language, University of Chicago (with Diane Brentari, Susan Goldin-Meadow)
• Affiliate Faculty, Stefanovich Institute for the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago
• Research Associate, Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure, Paris. (Honorary position)
Professor of Linguistics. Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago (2007-2020)
Associate Professor. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Chicago. (2004-2007)
Assistant Professor. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Chicago. (2002-2004)
Visiting Assistant Professor. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Chicago. (2001-2002)
Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen [KNAW]). Center for Language and Cognition, Department of Dutch, Frisian and Low Saxon, University of Groningen (1999-July 2002 [on leave 2001-2002]; tenure-track position; offered tenure 2002).
Grotius Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. (1997-1999)